The Non Sticky End

The sticky end
Whoever said that working from home is an easier option than commuting to work was frankly lying. Let me paint the picture; commuting: getting into a child free car, listening the the music/station of ones choice at the volume preferred, getting to work, making a coffee tea and being able to drink it whilst it's still hot and finish it, do a days work interrupted only by meetings, telephone calls, emails, a lunch break (possibly), NOT as at home where one is interrupted at regular intervals by the beep of a household appliance cheerily telling you to empty it/refill it, coffee cups laid around the house half empty and stone cold, a small now very fast crawling toddler clearing every conceivable surface within reach because his toys just don't cut it! There are dogs to walk, household chores to complete, food to prepare (never mind eat) and that is all before I've actually got any work done. I have the most magnificent office yet where do I sit, the non sticky end of the kitchen table. The other end still has dough and oil on it from my post breakfast/ school run bread kneading session. The cloth was smelly so I left the mess! 

What I want to know is how the hell did I ever get anything done before, back when I did a 10 hour day? My children were in nursery for a start so that cut out 2 meals a day, alot of leg tugging and general chaos. My head wasn't full of "I must do x, I can just do x before I check my emails again...". I had real conversations, clarity of thought, hot drinks, a desk. Need I go on. SO if you were to ever think, from your tidy office desk that you wish you were a homeworker, be careful what you wish for! 
You just can't resist playing with such a gorgeous boy can you?

I love my children, and probably the crux of the matter is that I'd rather just be a master of one trade rather than a jack of all, I wish I could be a stay at home mummy and concentrate on that, but I can't so as I'm sitting here wasting a very very precious nap moment whittering on, in my dressing gown with a criminal hair do, make up less face, when I should be dressed for action, and doing invoices... have breakfast and a coffee first 


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